I couldn't remember how I took this blog offline, but I finally figured it out. Guess who's back!! Since I have started 3 other blogs I will organize things so that different types of subjects go on the different blogs. I will go back to money saving ideas for this one. My food photography blog isn't used much, but perhaps if I get back into it, it will be an interest. I have a daily 20 blog in which I answer the famous "what did you do all day?" question, and ramblings of a total headcase where I will post whaever doesn't fit on those. Feel free to read around.
I took my blog down initially after having a problem with certain people attempting to intimidate me with it, and use it against me. I have come to the conclusion that I have nothing to hide, and furthermore, I refuse to let people silence me. I will not give up that control of my life. I am so done with it.
I think moderated comments are on. I am still debating if I want to go back to open comments. I am not afraid of people disagreeing with something I post so feel free to comment however you wish. I will not be posting any comments that are hateful, nor will I be allowing my personal private business to be up for discussion. Anything else is fair game.
I missed my followers and hope to see you sharing with me again :)
Instant Pot Christmas Roast
7 years ago
Welcome back! It's been a while!!